We had such a fun evening eating and then perusing around the Summit in this gorgeous weather. Took a pit stop at the Campus Spirit store where Hazel danced around Aubie wearing an Aubie hat. Then we came home and put on our big girl "britches" (as Alex calls them) for the first time. She was so proud. She was full of hilariousness tonight.
Hazel: Mommy, need ie-ceem (ice cream) peeese.
Me: Sorry, the ice cream store is closed we can't go there tonight.
Hazel: Mommy, have key?
Not a bad point. I mean, why wouldn't I have a key to open the ice cream store?
Then right before bed I was vacuuming and when I finished Hazel clapped for me and said, "Good job, mommy. Yaaay. Awesome." If only all chores were celebrated with such a jubilant cheer :)

When she grows up she probably will not be happy that I posted this picture of her in her "lil'est pets big girl britches" :)