Art is my comfort food. I have always enjoyed it, but when Alex left for Iraq last year art became a necessity in my life rather than a hobby. I threw myself into renovating our home (which I consider art), pottery, making furniture, painting...pretty much anything I could get my hands on. Art was my therapy and helped me cope with the very tough year. Now that he is home, art is still my passion but has changed faces a bit. It is now my comfort food for what is to come rather that what is happening. With a little girl on the way, it subsides my fears and encourages my hopes. Art for the soul... that's the song I chirp.
I will soon be posting the new ceramic jewelry pieces I have created for this summer. If you would like to purchase some jewelry....I will be having an Open House from 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m., Tuesday, June 23rd. Email me for more information,