Amy Butler Soul Blossoms Collection
I just bought some of this Amy Butler fabric from her Soul Blossoms Collection to make dresses for the girls for the fall. I heart it and can't wait 'til it gets here.

Sister love
Words can not even describe how sweet Hazel is to Edith. Am I surprised? Well yes, a bit. I was pretty nervous about the transition for Hazel but she has blown right on through all of my expectations. She is a mighty little handful sometimes with all of her enthusiasm (well, that's what we will call it) and I wasn't sure how that was going to translate to Edith. But she has always, yes always, been nothing but kind to her. and Edith, oh sweet Edith. She is such a trooper always...surviving with a smile all the curiosity of her big sis. Hazel has just discovered that everyone has eyelashes and a couple days a go I turned my back for one second and when I turned back around Hazel was pulling Edith's eyelashes and said, "Wook mommy, Edif has eye-washes too!"