Missing My Lou
The Serota family has had the most wonderful house guest for the past two weeks...EMMYLOU! When she left I was terribly sad and felt like my roommate was moving out. She was a very brave soul to survive the mounds of diapers, milk, slobber, runny nose sucker and a sometimes very whiny teething baby. From many a long chat (I felt like I was in college again staying up late deep in thought...I forgot how wonderful that was), LOTS & LOTS of food, a job interview, a zoo trip, dolphin watching in the pool (at least that's what we are going to call it), doctor's visit (could not have done it without her), shopping, Trashy reality TV for hours (gotta love it), Public school dancing (whaaaat?), dress-up parties and mint green cardigans it could not have been a more perfect two weeks! Thank you Lou...please come back soon.