Happy Anniversary
Really can't believe it has been 5 years! My oh my how time flies. Very cool present from Alex...one of the top presents of all times I believe. Birds nest necklace made by Jenni Atkins Horne and very cool card by Maria Kalaff from one of my very favorite local B'ham places...Naked Art Gallery. If you need a eclectic...local...handmade piece of art this is the place to go. Way to go husband :)

Forgotten Children Ministries
Forgotten Children Ministries...A ministry very close to my heart. A ministry that rescues boys off the streets of Honduras into the gates of Grace Farm and the Noah's Ark shelter. A place where they are cared for and provided for by incredible men and women of God. Some of these boys are rescued from lives of poverty, abuse and homelessness into a life where many of them are now going into ministry, graduating from high school and going to college. I have been several times to Honduras to visit these precious boys and have an amazing little guy named Deybi whom I sponsor. It is an incredible ministry to support or be a part of if anyone is interested or wants more information.

Etsy peasant dress pattern. Easy, lots of options....
Fun fabric from Hobby Lobby.
They are having a great sale on fabric right now.
Fun fabric from Hobby Lobby.
They are having a great sale on fabric right now.