My dear friend and roommate from college,
Nina (and Ian of course), are coming to visit me in anticipation of her arrival and while Alex was gone I decided it was the perfect time to do a bit of DIY renno that has been on the "house" to do list for way too long. I like things to always be changing (I get bored with things looking the same and being in the same place) but for the moment I am content with how everything looks. Now...if I can just get the house clean....
Upstairs bathroom before

Upstairs bathroom
after...40 year old toilet and old linoleum GONE! New floor tile and water saving toilet (I held my breath the first time I flushed it to see if I had installed it correctly) IN!

Paintings for the bathroom

Painting for the den

New guest bedroom walls and bedding...
dwell studio bedding (&
throw pillows) from Target

My version of baby-proofing the fireplace...we have an over-sized fireplace, so screens and covers were SO expensive. A bit of wood from Lowe' old comforter for the padding...a sheet I had from Urban Outfitters for the cover...and a staple gun did the job just fine (and much cheaper).

I love DIY home improvement and have dabbled in quite a bit of it here and there. So if anyone ever needs any help please let me know :)