Judy Barber has truly blessed my life. 1.5 years ago I was asked to come work at E-Mealz. Not having any real clue what I was heading into but desperately grasping for a way I could be a designer and stay home with Hazel...I accepted to offer. 1.5 years later I can honestly say it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I work with a team of amazing women (and now a man) who work but who also are mommies. We work hard but put our families first. Judy is my amazing boss and very dear friend. This blog post all came about after the adorable and so very "Elise" Christmas present she gave me. She gets me...I get her...it makes for such a happy life. My favorite part...I can be myself. No sugar coating...just strait talking. How it should be and how I like it. I am so grateful for all the things she has taught me, for the creative inspiration that she is and for putting up with my ever so quirky self on a daily basis :)
My fabulous Christmas gift: