Wednesday, November 28, 2012

It's looking a lot like Christmas...

I am not a big holiday decorator of my own house. I am doing good if I even get a tree up. Last year we didn't even have one because I just was not up for Hazel's "terrible twos" destroying it. When I told some people that last year I received some crazy looks like, "How could you possibly do such a thing!" Made me giggle. This year we will have a tree but I am pretty sure Edith and her wild 18-month-old self will have it down on top of her before I turn around. But this year dad asked me to decorate the office for Christmas...I must say it was SO much fun. By the time I was finished decorating I was merrily humming Christmas tunes and whirling and twirling surrounded with the beautiful silvers and aqua colors the whole office was adorned with. I have always felt like with all the hoop-la of the Christmas festivities and endless emphasis on decorating its easy forget what its really all Hazel says, "Its Jesus' happy birthday. He was born in a barn with animals. He was probably cold, wasn't he mommy?" Yes, He was. But thank goodness He was...born to save us. So maybe this year my tune is changing a bit....festivities and decorating not so bad...if its done with the right heart.

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